Holland is an important producer and exporter of processed poultry. The techniques for raising the birds have been honed to perfection and naturally, this striving for excellence has filtered through to the processors. Over 60 conveyors with drum motors were converted from modular belting to Volta SuperDrive™ including waste conveyors where the guiding principle was the prevention of cross contamination. This occurs between conveyors in the same processing hall either from accidental movement of workers between stations or from negligent spraying water during cleaning. The superior hygienic nature of Volta’s thermoplastic belting reduces the risk of cross contamination of the belts and reduces the amount of water used during cleaning.

Preserving Quality in the Gummy Bear Project with FEDR-SD ITO 50 V1
The maintenance manager says: “Although a Volta belt is more expensive than the plied belt, at the end it turns out cheaper – because the cheap turned out to be expensive for us!”