Washing operations for vegetable processing plants begin with intake belts washing off field soil and continue with washing/rinsing prior to and after peeling. The baths in which these washes and rinses are processed cannot prevent the exchange of the water after each loading. Subsequently, batches are exposed to some pre-used water. Not until the final stages is there more care taken in cleansing the fruit. It is essential to the later stages that the first washes are as free as possible from pathogenic contamination and that the belts do not retain more than a bare minimum of this bacterial condition. Volta homogeneous belts can be perforated with custom-made designs. The belts are strong and offer good drainage and the perforation edges are clean and do not absorb contamination.

Preserving Quality in the Gummy Bear Project with FEDR-SD ITO 50 V1
The maintenance manager says: “Although a Volta belt is more expensive than the plied belt, at the end it turns out cheaper – because the cheap turned out to be expensive for us!”