In this factory, eight incline conveyors transfer frozen fruit pieces to a horizontal conveyor. A standard release texture does not have sufficient irregularity or depth to break the bond created by a film of water carried by the fruit. When modular belts are used the refreeze action allows the fruit particles to remain stuck in place on the surface for hours extending the wash down time increasing water and chemical usage. After testing some of our more exotic textures, we decided together with our retrofit partners to use a tight roof top pointed profile that only allows a limited amount of contact surface with the ice-forming fruit. The conveyors successfully transfer the product with no sticking.

Preserving Quality in the Gummy Bear Project with FEDR-SD ITO 50 V1
The maintenance manager says: “Although a Volta belt is more expensive than the plied belt, at the end it turns out cheaper – because the cheap turned out to be expensive for us!”