Volta Positive Drive Belt in Nougat Manufacturing


Semi soft Nougat manufacturer from South America


A large sweets manufacturer needs a belt for sticky Nougat bars.


The customer requires a belt that works for a long period of time without plastic deformation due to belt tension. In other hand the customer needs an easy way to clean belt due to the presence of oils and very sticky material.

Product Wastage

  • The semi soft Nougat is made of oily peanut cream that sticks to the belt.

High maintenance costs

  • Long cleaning time.
  • Short belt life.
  • Miss tracking.


Volta Homogenous Positive Drive Belt.

Result = Savings

  • Product waste was reduced.
  • Easy cleaning.
  • Maintenance shutdowns were reduced.

Client testimonials:

Maintenance manager stated that:

‘’After 5 years the belt remains the same length without any plastic deformation’’.

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Complete the form for your FREE brochure on how to boost your construction business with Volta’s VaR Profile Belts.

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