Narrow strap belts are common in the wood, paper and board industries as well as in logistics and fruit packing houses. When a single strap fails, it is common to replace the entire set of belts. The machinery must be dismantled to assemble the straps. Volta material can be butt welded in minutes using two models of pliers and hand welders for strap belts up to a width of 200mm. This can be done on the machine with no dismantling required. This is an invaluable aid to production and using the tooling requires no special knowledge or extended training. Belts are ready for use after a 5-minute cooling-time. Customers with conveyors in the paper, board and wood industry, keep rolls of the required width near the equipment, that can be cut to length and installed as needed. A variety of thicknesses and hardness’s mean that belts can be specified with a grip surface to hold product from slipping or hard surface allowing slip and can be suited to any pulley size.

Preserving Quality in the Gummy Bear Project with FEDR-SD ITO 50 V1
The maintenance manager says: “Although a Volta belt is more expensive than the plied belt, at the end it turns out cheaper – because the cheap turned out to be expensive for us!”